Friday, April 8, 2011

Scientists find superbugs in Delhi drinking water

Why the rich will regret their greed

Powerful space explosion may herald star's death by black hole

Short story by Cory Doctorow, "Chicken Little"

Very deep sea diving

David Foster Wallace's library

The world's worst jobs

Your language is your worldview (or not?)

LCD Soundsystem says goodbye - interview with James Murphy (video)

Value in French theory


  1. Hi Joe.
    I read your blog almost daily and one thing that I find very amusing is to read the comments that people have at the end of a topic. To day it struck me that even if I find something really interesting I rarely post a comment about it. Is it because most of us is afraid to say something stupid?(a lot of comments are) Or is it because we don't have the need to express ourselves? I don't believe in the last mentioned, just that some need to express themselves more than others. Okay! Weird Friday thoughts, it's official I need a life! But still comments are fun, No?
    Have a good weekend.

  2. Hi Karen. Yeah, I get lost in those comments sometimes too but usually leave with a pretty bad taste in my mouth. It seems like people often just use the comments section to promote some personal agenda that has little to do with the original subject. Thanks for the support (and your comments :)
